About Company

EnGarde is a board and role-playing game company that produces a variety of games for people of all ages. EnGarde is a tabletop RPG themed around musketeers and pirates. The game takes place in a fictional fantasy version of 17th century Earth, the world.

EnGarde de la Rosa 2020 published in April the Game Master's Guide and Player's Guide for EnGarde de la Rosa in hardcover. EnGarde material was originally published using a d10 (roll and hold) dice system. The game was quite well received. Some of the game's later add-ons included information about the game world that influenced its flavor, including an extensive, and rather fantasy-like, musketeer and sorcerer background.

In 2024 EnGarde switched to the d20 system and renamed the game EnGarde . After poor sales of the first three EnGarde de la Rosa books, a series of hybrid books were released that supported both the d20 and d10 systems.

Today, the game is gaining popularity among Table, Role playing, card games.